Upgrade your health, upgrade your life!
Healthy Lifestyle Solutions
We need to invest little time to keep our mind, body and soul healthy. By using simple techniques without consuming much time and energy one can maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoy life to it fullest. Basic three factors we must take care of- clean air, mineral alkaline water and balanced nutritious diet.
Our subtle body is made up of five energy layers- 1. Physical Energy Layer 2. Astral Energy layer 3. Causal Energy Layer 4. Sub-conscious Energy layer 5. Soul/Bliss layer. To live healthy and long, we need to keep all energy layers in balance and uniform, for which we need to adopt few healthy life-style habits and products on daily basis.
Look Good, Feel Good and do Good..

Daily Meditation
Our meditation has divine transmission, that is there for more than a century. More than a million people practice the act in more than 100 countries. Here are some of the most compelling reasons why you should practice meditation.
- Helps enhance emotional control: This meditation technique helps in activating the amygdala which is the emotional center of the brain. Hence, it can help you feel calmer, and these benefits are spilled over in our day to day life as well.
- Acts as a painkiller: You will be surprised to know that if you practice meditation every day, you will experience much less pain. In a study, there were two groups of people where one practiced meditation while the other group did not. The one who meditated daily experienced less pain.
- Makes you compassionate: One of the most important benefits of meditation is that it makes people more sympathetic and virtuous.
- Alters Neuro-chemical balance in the brain resulting in more composed and calm emotional state: Meditation is such a fantastic technique that if you can practice it for about 8 months, it will result in a change in the neuro-chemical balance of the brain.
- Leads to an improvement of cognition: A study found that if you meditate daily, you will be able to sustain attention and it will invariably result in boosting your cognition. The level of improvement can range somewhere between 15 and 50 percent and the more you meditate, the better the results.
Drink Alkaline Mineral Water
What Makes Alkaline Water Different?
Water is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. That’s why you call it H2O. The amount of hydrogen ions in water is measured as pH. Alkaline water has less hydrogen — or a higher pH — than regular water. The lower the hydrogen level, the higher the alkaline levels.
Water’s pH level ranges from 0 to 14. Seven is considered neutral or balanced between acidic and alkaline. If water is below 7 on the pH scale, it’s “acidic.” If it’s higher than 7, it’s “alkaline.”
Water that is more alkaline supposedly reduces acid in the bloodstream and gives many benefits:
- Improves metabolism
- Increases energy
- Slows aging
- Improves digestion
- Reduces bone loss
- Backers of high-pH water say it also has the power to starve cancer cells.
The following more conditions have shown improvement after consumption of Alkaline water:
- Allergy
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Back pain
- Depression
- Eczema
- Cancer
- Chronic fatigue syndrome
- Colitis pain
- Constipation
- Heart burn
- Hiatal hernia
- High cholesterol
- Mental clarity
- Migraine headaches
- Morning sickness
- Obesity
Nutrients and Nutraceuticals
Nutrition is defined as the intake of food, considered in relation to the body’s dietary needs. Good nutrition – an adequate, well balanced diet combined with regular physical activity – is a cornerstone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, increased susceptibility to disease, impaired physical and mental development, and reduced productivity.

There are seven major classes of nutrients: carbohydrates, fats, fiber, minerals, protein, vitamins, and water.
- Carbohydrates – our main source of energy.
- Fats – one source of energy and important in relation to fat soluble vitamins.
- Roughage (Fiber) – the fibrous indigestible portion of our diet essential to health of the digestive system.
- Minerals – those inorganic elements occurring in the body and which are critical to its normal functions.
- Proteins – essential to growth and repair of muscle and other body tissues.
- Vitamins – water and fat soluble vitamins play important roles in many chemical processes in the body.
- Water – essential to normal body function – as a vehicle for carrying other nutrients and because 60% of the human body is water.
Today’s crop/food production is done by urea, chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and preservatives which are low quality chemicals. They are damaging our health/immunity ( even body organs) continuously and our body can collapse anytime without any warning. That’s why these days food/crop is full of dangerous chemicals with very low nutritional value. But we have left with no choice but to eat food to fill our stomach and for taste.
Now to stay healthy, we have no choice but to consume high quality organic nutraceuticals on daily basis. Nutraceutical product is a food or fortified food product that not only supplements the diet but also assists in treating or preventing disease, so provides medical benefits.
Our nutraceutical products are patented and exclusively world class quality, clinically approved and tested by more than top 60 countries. Not only that, they are only food supplements which are recommended by doctors worldwide to cure health problems, as they are listed in PDR book ( Physicians Desk Reference).
Online version of that : www.pdr.net
Video By : Nutraceutical Expert Ms Carly.
Polarity Therapy: Balancing Body Energies.
Self Realization is the key to healing! We offer a holistic experience that fosters and supports you deep personal, cellular experience and realization of the peace, clarity, Unity and Divinity of all life… of your Divine Self!”
Polarity Therapy is a natural health care system based upon the universal principles of energy: attraction, repulsion, and neutrality. This is a system of treatment used in alternative medicine, intended to restore a balanced distribution of the body’s energy by combining touch, exercise, nutrition and self-awareness.
How Does Polarity Therapy Work?
According to practitioners of polarity therapy, illness is caused by disruptions in the body’s energy flow and the resulting stress and trauma. Polarity therapy is based on the idea that there are three types of energy fields in the body:
- Long-line currents that run north to south in the body
- Transverse currents that run east-west in the body
- Spiral currents that start at the navel and expand outward
- To find the sources of energy blockages, polarity therapy practitioners scan the body for symptoms like pain, discomfort, muscle spasms, and muscle tension, especially in the shoulders and back. Once blockages are identified, the practitioner uses a variety of techniques to clear the paths of energy fields, including spinal realignment and movement exercises.
Read In detail about our workshops on Polarity Therapy and Energy Balancing :-