Balanced Life
Health & Nutraceuticals
Nutraceuticals, in broad, are food or part of food playing a significant role in modifying and maintaining normal physiological function that maintains healthy human beings.
Meditation to Defy Aging and Stay Youthful
Meditation can increase melatonin by 98-300 per cent. Apart from being a sleep hormone, is an anti-ageing agent, immune-regulator, anti-depressant and antioxidant.
Alkaline Water for Weight Loss, Beauty & Stay healthy
Alkaline water is nothing but water with a high pH – higher than that of normal drinking water. Our machine produces alkaline water using natural mineral rocks from mountains (Not synthetically or chemically).
Counsellors at your Service
The experts will take care of your family...
Take care of your family and look after your complete being which comprises of the
Mind, Body and Soul… All should be relaxed, Calm and healthy.
This brings us to the next question…. How?
What is really a Balanced Life? Ah! This topic can be debated for ever! Some say a balanced life is one in which the material wing of life (wealth, health, relationships, career, comfort) is in balance with the spiritual wing of life (the inner growth of the Self). That is, one’s material existence and spiritual existence are equally developed . This makes sense if we look at the human being holistically.
After all, man has a mind and soul too along with a body. Just taking care of the body and neglecting the inner need of peace and calm would lead us to what is happening everywhere: a lot of wealth and comfort but without true happiness and often combined with depression, anxiety, addictions, loneliness, alienation from each other and so on. Let us look at the other situation: a lot of spiritual growth but buried in penury and poverty. This situation too is not attractive to the modern man. So, the lesson taken is: Look after your complete being which comprises of the – Mind, Body and..Soul.
What Are The Benefits Of Alkaline Water? Since it is more alkaline than normal water, it can counter the excess acidity in our body. Alkaline water might also aid in the treatment of diabetes and cancer and boost bone health as well. Bathing in alkaline water might have beneficial effects on the skin.(Note** Only make water alkaline in natural ways by adding natural minerals, not the synthetic or chemical ways)