What Shipping Methods Are Available?

We send our Packages by Air and Ground.

Do You Ship Internationally?


No, but we provided this facility as soon as possible. We update our services Day to day.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Package?

All orders are shipped within 48 hours Monday – Sunday 10am – 6pm (excluding holidays). If any delay happened while providing information from customer side it will effect the shipment date. It usually takes 3-7 business/working days for the delivery of products depended on Distance also.

What Payment Methods Are Accepted?

Mostly all Payment methods which is available in future. Right now we are doing cash on delivery and Paytm.

How do I place an Order?

Select a Product from shop and it will be shown in your shopping cart. Check shipping information and click on “Buy Now” Button. you will be redirect on “checkout” page. Now Tick mark on this “I have read and agree to the website terms and conditions*” Finally Click on “Place Order” Button.

How Can I Cancel Or Change My Order?

Condition First: Buyer can cancelled them order within limited of time after order provided. Threshold Time for Cancel order is 1440 in minutes or 24 hours. Condition Second: Buyer can cancelled them order within change of statues of them order from processing to Dispatched. Notes: Feel free to contact us on email if you have any droughts regarding your selected product Quality, Dispatch days or anything else.

How Can I Return a Product?

Contact us and Return your product by same Courier or send by your own way as you wish.

What is meditation and how it works for healing?

Meditation which divine transmission will help you to live a heart-centered life, manage your emotions, and find inner peace and balance. Meditation is about de-concentration and practicing to settle down your mind slowly.

Our meditation and healing is completely free and one can experience sitting at the comfort zone of their home.

What are nutraceuticals and how they help in wellness?

Nutraceuticals are products derived from food sources that are purported to provide extra health benefits, in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods. Depending on the jurisdiction, products may claim to prevent chronic diseases, improve health, delay the aging process, increase life expectancy, or support the structure or function of the body. They are often concentrated in liquid, capsule, powder or pill form. Although dietary supplements are regulated by the FDA as foods, their regulation differs from drugs and other foods.

Over the years nutraceuticals have attracted considerable interest due to their potential nutritional, safety and therapeutic effects. They could have a role in a plethora of biological processes, including antioxidant defenses, cell proliferation,gene expression, and safeguarding of mitochondrial integrity.

Why drinking Alkaline mineral water is so important for good health?

Our alkaline water RO system and alkaline bottle generates pure mineral natural alkaline water of different PH as per requirement. RO Water is passed through imported mineral rock crystals, which in turns add rock minerals to water and makes it alkaline in a natural way. We do not use electrolysis or any kind of chemicals to raise the PH of water. We use a natural approach by infusing alkaline minerals into the water.

Alkaline Water Properties:
  1. Anti- Oxidant ( ORP upto -400 mv)
  2.  Alkaline ( Upto 9.5 PH)
  3. Micro-Clustered (Allows greater penetration & easier absorption)
  4. Mineral Water (125 TDS)
  5. Helps in Burning Fat.