The Physicians’ Desk Reference is a publication, which provides a complete compilation of the information that is found on prescription medication. This compilation is updated annually and can be found in bookstores and libraries. It is used by consumers and medical experts as well.
A comprehensive reference book detailing the composition and accepted applications of pharmaceuticals from major manufacturers. A supplemental edition, which covers the effective use of herbal and botanical products, is available.
The PDR material contained includes:
- Comprehensive indexing (four sections)
- by Manufacturer
- Products (by company’s or trademarked drug name)
- Category index (for example, “antibiotics”)
- Generic/chemical index (non-trademark common drug names)
- Color images of medications
- Product information, consistent with FDA labeling
- Chemical information
- Function/action
- Indications & Contraindications
- Trial research, side effects, warnings
The Physicians’ Desk Reference is consulted by health care professionals millions of times each week. It is distributed to almost half a million MDs and chief pharmacists throughout the United States. Ninety percent of health care professionals consider this reference their most important source of reliable information and feel that it helps them in making the right decision when advising their patients which products they should use.
Our manufacturer’s continued focus on clinical research has enabled comapny to list Balance, along with sixteen other unique products, in this prestigious reference for health care professionals.
The Physicians’ Desk Reference has been around for more than 75 years. It is published annually and generally used as a reference guide. It is published with the collaboration of pharmaceutical companies and can be found in most physician offices. The book contains information on all the drugs licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The information in the PDR which is similar to drug inserts is not meant as a medical standard care. It follows guidelines of the FDA regulations. This information is required for all manufacturers in order to market their drugs. The consumer is informed about all the risks of taking the medication and this reduces the manufactures liability.