Alkaline Ionized Water
Benefits Of Alkaline Ionized Water

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Why is alkaline ionized water beneficial to health? Alkaline ionized water has three very important differences from tap-water: 1) It provides pH-buffers to help eliminate toxins from the body, 2) It contains natural, healing, antioxidants to fight free-radicals and even reverse its damage, and 3) it provides good filtration for the water.

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Ionized water could help reduce and neutralize disease attracting acidity like :

High blood pressureCholesterol – Heart DiseaseMuscle aches after exercise – Morning sickness –  Diabetes – Hangovers (alcohol is acidic!) – Uric acid stones – OsteoporosisWater retention – Body odourConstipation – Poor blood circulationInduces faster healing – Hyper-acidityObesity – Chronic fatigueDiarrhoea – Common coldsMigraines – Anti-AgingIonized Water improves the taste of food

water for health..

Potential Danger of Adding Baking Soda and Other Chemicals To Raise Water PH...

The most popular way of all to make alkaline water is to add baking soda or chemical additives to water. This can create major problems as people add higher quantity of baking soda and they do it for extended period of time, months or even years. Consuming too much baking soda leads to the formation of the kidney stones and other major health problems.


Alkaline Ionized water is produced via the electrolysis process..

The water electrolysis process produces reduced water of a higher PH value (greater than 7.0 which makes it alkaline water). It is called Reduced Water because after leaving the Electrolysis Chamber the water molecules have been restructured leaving an abundance of active hydrogen molecules which actively seeks out and bond with Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) molecules known as Free Radicals.

ionized water

These ROS molecules commonly known as Free Radicals are a byproduct of metabolism and other factors such as Oxidative Stress (Oxidative Stress) and wreak havoc on our bodies, “damaging DNA, RNA, Proteins, and contributing to the physiology of aging” (Reactive Oxygen Species, Lee MY).

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Alkaline Ionized water (Reduced Water) consist of smaller water clusters of 4-6 molecules per cluster. Compare to the clusters of 12-24 molecules found in ordinary tap water, bottled water, and even distilled water. Healthy Water produced by a water ionizer is molecularly smaller and is thus absorbed faster and more efficiently through your cell’s walls, resulting in the fastest and most complete rehydration possible, making it easier to detox and cleanse for a diet.

drinking water

Drinking ionized water daily is a great addition to any alkaline balance diet and among its health benefits the Acidic counter part of “Electrolyzed water is up to 80 times more effective at killing pathogens than chlorinated water and it does this without the toxicity” (Electrolyzed Water). Using electrolyzed acidic water is a very effective chemical free way to sterilize “killing food-borne bacteria such as salmonella, E. coli and listeria.


OMEGA Alkaline Water Ionizers – Real mineral stones used to make water alkaline – CONTACT US FOR DETAIL..



******* This information is for reference and educational purposes only. Purified water (ionized alkaline or acid) is NOT a treatment for any medical condition. If you have a medical condition, please consult your doctor for specialist medical advice. Alkaline water is just purified and restructured tap water (without any chemicals or acid molecules in it); it has no medicinal substance in to to cure any disease condition. Microwater, like fresh air or good food will help with general health, but it is not a substitute for medical treatment. If you have a medical condition please seek specialist medical advice.