Uncontrolled Growth Of Abnormal Cells
Body immune system and cancer
What the immune system does
The immune system protects the body against illness and infection caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi or parasites. It is a collection of reactions and responses that the body makes to damaged cells or infection. So it is sometimes called the immune response.
The immune system is important to cancer patients in many ways because:
- cancer can weaken the immune system
- cancer treatments may weaken the immune system
- the immune system may help to fight cancer
Symptoms of Immune System Problems
At least 80 illnesses are caused by immune system problems..
1. Cold Hands
If your blood vessels are inflamed, it can be harder for your fingers, toes, ears, and nose to keep warm. The skin in these areas may turn white, then blue, when you’re exposed to the cold. Once blood flow returns, the skin may then turn red.
2. Unexplained Weight Change
You find yourself gaining extra pounds even though your eating habits and workouts haven’t changed. Or the number on your scale may drop for no clear reason. It’s possible this is because of damage to your thyroid gland from an autoimmune disease.
3. Dry Eyes
If you have an autoimmune disorder, that means your immune system attacks your body instead of defending it. Rheumatoid arthritis and lupus are two examples. Lupus, an autoimmune disease, happens when the immune system attacks its tissues, causing inflammation, swelling, pain, and damage. Lupus symptoms include fatigue, joint pain, fever, and a lupus rash.
4. Fatigue
Feeling extremely tired, like you do when you have the flu, could mean something’s going on with your body’s defenses. Sleep is unlikely to help. Your joints or muscles can ache, too.
5. Mild Fever
If you’re running a higher temperature than normal, it could be that your immune system is starting to overwork. That can happen due to an oncoming infection or because you’re starting to have a flare of an autoimmune condition.
6. Headaches
In some cases, headaches can be related to the immune system. For example, it could be vasculitis, which is inflammation of a blood vessel caused by an infection or autoimmune disease.
7. Rash
Your skin is your body’s first barrier against germs. How it looks and feels can reflect how well your immune system is doing its job. Itchy, dry, red skin is a common symptom of inflammation. So is a rash that is painful or doesn’t clear up.
9. Patchy Hair Loss
10. Repeated Infections
If you need to take antibiotics more than twice a year (four times for children), your body may not be able to attack germs well on its own. Other red flags: Chronic sinus infections, being sick with more than four ear infections in a year (for anyone over the age of 4), or having pneumonia more than once.
11. Sensitive To Sun
12. Tingling or Numbness in Your Hands and Feet
It can be completely innocent. But in some cases it can mean that your body is attacking nerves that send signals to your muscles. People who have Guillain-Barre syndrome, for instance, may have numbness that starts in their legs then moves up to their arms and chest.
13. Trouble Swallowing
If you have a tough time getting food down, your esophagus (the tube that carries food from your mouth to your stomach) could be swollen or too weak to work well. Some people feel like food is stuck in their throat or chest. Others gag or choke when they swallow. One of the possible causes can be a problem with your immune system.
14. Bathroom Problems
15. White Patches
16. Yellowing of Your Skin or Eyes
Called jaundice, it may mean that your immune system is attacking and destroying healthy liver cells. That can lead to a condition called autoimmune hepatitis.
Cancer risk may increase as immune system declines..
Each year, more than 8 million Trusted Source people die of cancer globally. Although treatments are steadily improving, there are still many questions unanswered. Essentially, cancer is caused by a succession of gene mutations that accumulate over time.
We know that some factors can increase the rate at which these genetic mutations occur, and thus increase the risk of cancer. These factors Trusted Source include smoking tobacco, drinking alcohol, and obesity. However, not all risk factors are avoidable; one major risk factor is getting old. As our age increases, so does our cancer risk.
Other factors may weakens the immune system and increases the risk of Cancer.
- The aging immune system
- Outdoor pollution.
- Acidic food and drinks
- Low nutritional food with presence of chemicals.
- Higher stress level and sleeping disorder.
- Exposed to higher radiations and negative energies.
The aging immune system
The thymus gland, which is an organ of the immune system, is involved in nurturing and developing T cells, which are major players in the immune system. Much of the decline in the immune system’s strength over time is due to the thymus’s steady deterioration.
Outdoor Air Pollution Causes Cancer
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified outdoor air pollution as a cancer-causing agent (carcinogen). The IARC is part of the World Health Organization, and is one of the primary sources for information on cancer-causing substances for the American Cancer Society and other organizations. In its evaluation, the IARC concluded that outdoor air pollution causes lung cancer and is also linked to an increased risk for bladder cancer.
Regular use of good quality Air mask outdoor and Air purifier at homes. The best solution to air pollution problem is to have Air- Purifying Indoor Plants.
Recommended products : Air Mask Read More…. Air Purifier Read More….
Top Plants for Increasing Oxygen Indoor
A NASA study explains how to purify air with house plants
- Areca Palm. As with all plants, the Areca Palm is biologically engineered to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. …
- Others are 1.Snake Plant a.k.a. Mother-In-Law’s Tongue. 2. Money Plant 3. Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera Jamesonii) 4. Chinese Evergreens 5. Spider Plant 6. Garden Mum 7. Ficus/Weeping Fig 8. Peace Lily 9. Boston Fern 10. Aloe Vera
Indoor plants can
- reduce irritation to eyes, ears, nose and throat
- prevent or ease coughing and congestion
- lower your stress
- boost your attention capacity
These Plants Are Oxygen Bombs & They Clean The Air In Your Home
Acidic foods and drinks can alter the body’s pH balance and promote cancer
This theory is based on lab studies that suggest cancer cells thrive in an acidic (low pH) environment, but cannot survive in alkaline (high pH) surroundings.
High-acid food and drink
- grains
- sugar
- certain dairy products
- fish
- processed foods
- fresh meats and processed meats, such as corned beef and turkey
- sodas and other sweetened beverages
- Alcohol – Too much acidity can also increase your risk for cancer, liver problems, kidney stone, Uric acid and heart disease.
Eat fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Drink alkaline mineral water, Read More..
Recommended product for alkaline water: Mineral Alkaline Water Bottle
Low Nutritional Food with chemicals may cause cancer
More than 2,500 chemical substances are intentionally added to foods to modify flavor, color, stability, texture, or cost. These substances include components of food-packaging materials, processing aids, pesticide residues, and drugs given to animals. Similarly, antibiotics and other drugs are used to protect livestock from diseases and parasites. Extra hormones may be given to animals to increase meat and milk production. There’s a real concern that these chemicals may cause health problems, including an increase in breast cancer risk. There are also concerns about mercury in seafood and industrial chemicals in food and food packaging.
Alcohol: When the body metabolizes alcohol, it produces acetaldehyde, a chemical compound that may damage DNA, which may lead to cancer.
Processed meat: Examples include bacon, sausage, hot dogs, pepperoni, prosciutto, beef jerky and salami, meats often preserved by curing, salting or smoking, or with chemical preservatives.
Red Meat: Eating a large amount of red meat has been linked to colorectal, pancreatic and prostate cancer.
Very Hot Beverages: In the United States, drinks like coffee, tea and hot chocolate are typically prepared at lower temperatures, so they’re generally not a concern. It shouldn’t be hotter than 149 F.
- Try to buy organic and fresh food from farmer’s market, avoid frozen ones.
- Buy fresh sea food and red meat.
- Buy seasonal fruits and vegetables
- Consume branded high quality nutraceuticals everyday to fulfill your body nutritional requirements. Todays crop/food has very less nutritional value due to use of fertilizers, chemicals, pesticides, urea, etc by farmers for higher production. Read More in detail about nutraceuticals….
Stress and Insomnia increases cancer risk
Stress and Insomnia can often worsen other cancer-related conditions and symptoms, such as pain, fatigue, depression, or anxiety. It may also make it harder for you to cope with cancer and cause feelings of isolation.
“Getting a good night’s sleep is fairly simple, if you allow yourself to do it. The big problem for cancer patients is they take too much on themselves and don’t give enough time to help their bodies cope with the illness.
One is cortisol, which helps to regulate immune system activity — including the release of certain “natural killer” cells that help the body battle cancer. Cortisol levels typically peak at dawn, after hours of sleep, and decline throughout the day. Cortisol is the so-called “stress” hormone triggered, along with others, during times of anxiety and may play a role in the development and worsening of cancer and other conditions.
The other hormone affected by sleep is melatonin. Produced by the brain during sleep, melatonin may have antioxidant properties that help prevent damage to cells that can lead to cancer. In addition, melatonin lowers estrogen production from the ovaries. Thus, a lack of sleep leads to too little melatonin. This series of events may expose women to high levels of estrogen and may increase the risk of breast cancer.
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Below maintained nutraceutical products helps in reducing and curing stress, fatique and insomnia are as below:
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.