Organic Agri Fertilizer

Organic Agri Fertilizer

2,000.00 1,700.00

Organic farming has been practiced around the world for 12,000 years. It’s an approach that respects life and the cycles of nature, emphasizing biodiversity, biologically active soil and natural ways to control pests and competing plants.

Price: Rs 1700 per Kg
Why eat organic?

For taste Organic fruits and vegetables taste good. Because they’re grown “at their own pace” (without synthetic fertilizers), organic fruits and veggies have the time to draw all the ground’s nutrients at a natural pace. Local organic produce are often picked ripe on delivery day or the day before, which ensures maximum taste.

Fruit and vegetables grown in fertile, rich and balanced soils taste better, have higher nutrition value, and are more filling.

  • Vegetable raw materials
  • Safe for the ecosystem
  • No Genetic engineering
  • Rich in starch, minerals, vitamins A, B and C
  • Better protection against plant stress factors


Organic food protects kids’ health

Kids are much more sensitive to pesticides than adults, as shown by several scientific studies. Therefore, the parents’ food choices have a significant impact on their children’s health.


Organic farms protect water

Organic farming methods protect and keep water clean. For instance, they eliminate the use of chemicals that pollute streams and water tables.


Organic production of fruits and vegetables reduces health risks

We know today that several cancers and other diseases are caused by chemicals that farmers have been using for 50 years. Moreover, some food allergies have been linked to the ingestion of pesticide residue and some food additives. Genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are plants (or other species) whose genetic sequence is modified by the introduction of genes from another organism, or from another species. No independent study has evaluated the long-term impacts of GMO’s on health, but eating organic products eliminates all risk associated to GMO’s, because modified, “transgenic” seeds are banned from organic farming.

“Organic fruits and vegetables could therefore be a way to prevent some health problems linked to food.”


Special Features of our PRODUCT :

  • Increase soil water holding capacity
  • Increase water use efficiency
  • Enhance soil permeability and infiltration rate
  • Reduce irrigation frequency (No need to put water everyday)
  • Reduce compaction tendency
  • Stop soil erosion, farm run-off & surface leaching
  • Increase plant performance, particularly in structure-less soils
  • stressed with drought condition
  • Reduce application of pesticides.
  • Improving Soil pH
  • Increasing water absorption capacity in soil
  • Decreased toxin in soil
  • Promoting beneficial Bacteria, Fungi & increase Microbial Growth
  • Reduce nutrients Leaching problem
  • Improve overall Soil structure & quality
  • Increase productivity of agricultural & horticultural crops

“The self-cultivation of nutritious plants such as vegetables, fruit or herbs is very popular here. Especially the cultivation of own fruits is a pleasure for many hobby gardeners and offers a special taste experience.”




organic farming


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