Balancing Mind, Body and Soul
We specialize in
The Entire Spectrum of Healing (Mind,Body and Soul)

Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing is an ancient healing technique which can expedite any healing process, Read More..

Meditation which divine transmission will help you to live a heart-centered life, manage your emotions, and find inner peace and balance. Read More…

Organic Healing Food Dinning
At our Healing Food Café you will find a community of Healers, Meditators, Yoga Experts, Counselors, peacemakers, all contributing in their own way Read More..

Essential Oil Therapy
Essential oils such as Lavender and Frankincense are popularly used and known.. Read More..

Healing Nature Tours
Forests are known to have great healing properties. As humans, we have evolved in nature. It’s where we feel most comfortable. Read More..

Free Health Counseling
Our counselors give free counseling on health diagnosis and solutions by nutraceuticals, water solutions and meditation. Read More..
- Our Specialties
- Free Meditaion
- Nutraceuticals
- Energy Healing
- Water Solutions
- Free Counselling
- Crystal healing
- Free Counselling

Nutraceuticals & Dietary Supplements
Good Nutrition Improves Well-Being. Eating a poor diet reduces physical and mental health because eating healthy allows people to be more active.. Read More..

Right Drinking Water
Five qualities for right drinking water- PH(Alkaline), Right TDS (Minerals), Anti-oxidant, Fine water molecules and Removes fat. One must know the qualities of water you drink. Read More..

Relaxed Mind & Body
Right relaxation and transmission meditation can easily help someone to achieve relaxed state of mind,body and soul in few minutes. Read More..

Best relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, rhythmic exercise, yoga, or tai chi. To enhance relaxation, you can use aromatic oil, scented lotion, or combine self-message with mindfulness or deep breathing techniques.

Healing by meditation
We offer free healing sessions for all health problems (Specially any kind of body pains), so that every one can experience the healing benefits of our divine transmission meditation. These sessions and experiences will make one understand the important of meditation to live healthy while balancing every aspects of our life.

Experience Divine Within
Meditation is a means to get closer to God because it puts the person in a state of heartfulness. The person is conscious of their body, the room in which they are seated (or lying), and of the calm and peace of the mind while in the meditative state. Meditation helps one to attain soul consciousness from body consciousness condition. Presently everyone lives in body consciousness state.

Bios Life Slim
Bios Life Slim is not a diet, but the basis of the SLIM programme is to eat smart, incorporate some exercise and take SLIM at least once or twice a day before your two largest meals. In order to maximise your efforts,

Balance for Good health
Balance™ contributes half of the recommended daily value of fiber. Fiber supplementation has been shown to decrease preprandial and postprandial glucose levels, lower LDL cholesterol and apolipoprotein B levels, increase satiety, and facilitate weight loss.

Bio Reishi Green Coffee
Drinking coffee is not just an experience but an awakening of senses. For the lovers of coffee here are the perfect mix and unique taste of Green coffee, Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma) and Vitamin premix. Ganoderma extract to offer optimal health benefits, thanks to the active nutraceuticals present in it.

Divine Energy Healing
Spiritual Healing uses divine energy for healing. The primary source of spiritual healing energy comes from God who is the source of all life. This form of spiritual energy is very potent and can heal a lot of ailments. The spiritual healing energy or divine healing energy then passes through higher beings like great angelic beings, great prophets or avatars, holy master, saints, great spiritual teachers, healing angels and others, then to the soul and etheric body of the healer. The healer can then passes on this spiritual energy to the patient’s etheric body and physical body.

Merditation Heals Illness
The practice of meditation helps to let go of stress, worries, and anxieties. This results in a positive state of mind, which in turn has a positive impact on the physical body, brain, and nervous system. Consequently, the illness decreases.
“In meditation, healing can happen. When the mind is calm, alert and totally contented, then it is like a laser beam – it is very powerful and healing can happen.”
~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cosmic Energy Healing
Cosmic energy healing is an important facet of divine healing and deals with using cosmic energy, which exists in our universe. Cosmic energy is referred to as the life power and the energy that keeps the balance of the entire universe. Prana sakthi or Cosmic heeling fills up the deficient energy to the organs and also to chakras to remove negative energy from them and make the organ chakras full of desire energy and prana sakthi.

Chlorophyll Drinking Water
Chlorophyll is the bedrock of all plant life, and the similarities to the molecules of our red blood cells is uncanny. When you drink really well sourced Chlorophyll it’s like breathing fresh air straight into our bloodstream. Chlorophyll Water to help stimulate peristalsis and help neutralize free-radicals in the body that can damage healthy cells.
Research has shown that a rich chlorophyll diet increases red blood cell counts, which can then carry more oxygen around our bodies and therefore gives us more energy!
Chlorophyll’s molecular structure is remarkably similar to human hemoglobin; this means it increases and strengthens red blood cells which results in better transportation of oxygen. It is also a powerful antioxidant, and can rid your body of toxins, reduce inflammation, restore pH balance in the body, and potentially lower your chances of developing certain types of cancer.

Alkaline Mineral Water
Alkaline water must also contain alkaline minerals and negative oxidation reduction potential (ORP). ORP is the ability of water to act as a pro- or antioxidant. The more negative the ORP value, the more anti-oxidizing it is. Alkaline water has its proposed health benefits. These include:
- anti-aging properties (via liquid antioxidants that absorb more quickly into the human body)
- colon-cleansing properties
- immune system support
- hydration, skin health, and other detoxifying properties
- weight loss
- cancer resistance

Hydrogen Enriched Water
Hydrogen may help eliminate free radicals from your body, helping to protect cellular damage and therefore, decreasing disease risk. Hydrogen may help to reduce muscle fatigue and soreness by limiting lactate build-up and improving the rate at which your cells are producing energy, therefore improving your performance in aerobic exercise.
Hydrogen enriched water is loaded with health benefits that include inflammation and wrinkle reduction, aiding in metabolizing glucose and fat faster. Here is a run down some of the major health benefits that Hydrogen rich water provides –
- Protects your Brain
- Improves Fat and Glucose Metabolism
- Prevents Bone loss and Osteopenia
- Works well against Inflammation
- Eases Cancer Treatment Radiations side effects

Weight Loss Counselling
Weight loss counselling is a space where you can unpack and unload the burden of your struggle with weight, size and feeling heavy. We believe it is important that you tell us how your relationship with food and eating makes you feel, sharing with us your day-2-day thoughts and actions in attempting to lose weight.
Your body’s metabolic systems are responsible for converting the food you eat into the energy your body uses to function, and how efficiently your body processes food is known as your metabolic rate. Your metabolic rate is affected by your gut health, age, drinking water quality, stress level, nutrition in food and many other things.
How to Boost Metabolism: Nutraceuticals, Supplements, and More
Following are the few natural ways to boost metabolism-
- High Quality Branded Nutraceuticals
- Caffiene
- Green Tea
- Protein
- Fiber
- Selenium
- Zinc
- Probiotics
- Selective Nuts & Berries.

Health Counselling
Health counseling, also known as health coaching and wellness coaching, helps one change unhealthy behaviors by teaching how to listen to one’s subconscious, discover inner strengths and achieve short-term and long-term goals. Counselling is one of the most powerful weapons we have against a whole range of physical and mental health issues like diabetes, cholesterol, arthritics, obesity, blood pressure, depression, anxiety, many more.
Meditation, nutraceuticals, functional food ingredients and natural dietary supplements are important for health promotion and disease risk reduction. Nutraceuticals provide extra health benefits in addition to the basic nutritional value found in foods.
Chronic stress can make us fat – and sick
Over time, chronic emotional and psychological stress can:
- Promote fat storage
- Retain salt in the body
- Destroy the body’s resistance to cancer, infections, and illness
- Cause infertility and sexual dysfunction
- Exacerbate diabetes
- Deposit cholesterol in blood vessels
- Accelerate heart rate and increase blood pressure, and thicken blood so it clots more readily, which makes you more prone to suffering a heart attack or stroke.
Calming the Mind
To guide people toward healthier states of mind and body, emerging worldwide are major health and meditation centers with wellness divisions offering stress management, relaxation training, transmission meditation, nutritional and nutraceutical knowledge, healing sessions and cognitive therapy techniques.

Spiritual Counselling
Spiritual counseling is a type of counseling that focuses on a person’s spiritual side. A soul is defined as the spiritual part of humans separate in existence from your body. Your soul comes into this world with an agenda of evolutionary progress it wants to make. Your soul is you, back at a time when you possessed all the knowledge of the universe, so its agenda must be yours too.
Your success or failure is entirely based on all the decisions you make in day to day life. Your soul always knows the truth, it is the core you, and its is always trying to communicate with you to discover and follow the path of righteous deeds (Dharma). Thats why, to take right self decisions to achieve success in life, you should know how to connect to soul and listen to your inner guidance. It is like a whisper which comes from within, listening to it means experiencing communication with your soul. The choice to “do” or “not do” is 100% yours. This is a universal law called “Freewill”.
We use Meditation, Prayers and Soul Cleaning to help you learn and communicate with your soul. Your daily practices of meditation and cleansing can help you to make right decisions and to attain a higher spiritual level. Only you can evolve your own soul. This website gives you many opportunities to incorporate Spiritual practices, healthy lifestyle, health solutions and a higher communication with your soul and the universe, into your life.
Dietary Supplements
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Immunization Schedules
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Physician Assistants
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Dietary Supplements
Pulvinar parturient ultrices porttitor nunc a a platea pulvinar hac suspendisse sem parturient semper nec a in ac vivamus quams.
Immunization Schedules
Pulvinar parturient ultrices porttitor nunc a a platea pulvinar hac suspendisse sem parturient semper nec a in ac vivamus quams.
Physician Assistants
Pulvinar parturient ultrices porttitor nunc a a platea pulvinar hac suspendisse sem parturient semper nec a in ac vivamus quams.
Caring for Everyone..Experienced Family Counsellors
We also offer on-line wellness counselling services for health and psychological problems. These services can alleviate stress and depression symptoms by releasing endorphins, improving the circulation of blood, and increase oxygen flow. Read More..
Note: Right high quality nutraceuticals and natural alkaline mineral water can help in solving most of the health ailments and achieving high energy level.

Choose any one for your convenience
Pricing Packages
Counseling Session
$50.99 / person

- Free Meditation
- Free Counselling
- Dietary Recommendation
- Nutraceutical knowledge
- Healing Session
Ailment Treatment
$71.99 / person

- Free Counseling
- Free Meditation
- Basic Nutraceuticals
- Relaxation & Healing
- Psychologist if Required.
$120.99 / person

- Free Counseling
- Free Meditaion
- Alkaline water Bottle
- Basic Nutraceuticals
- Healing Healthy Food Recipes