Healthy mind
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How to take care of the Mind?
What is the mind? An instrument to think…right? And thoughts do result in emotions and actions. Thoughts are more powerful than we usually consider them to be. If you are particularly feeling very elated on a specific day, just check, what were your thoughts that preceded the emotion of elation? Similarly, if you are feeling low and dejected, pause, check your thoughts.

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healthy mind

Healthy Thinking = Healthy Mind

Positive and happy thoughts lead to positive emotions. Negative thoughts lead to disturbed emotions. Overthinking and worrying does not equal to care and concern. It only means erratic thinking that result in erratic emotions and actions. If you care for someone, instead of worrying for them (which is usually in a negative direction) think well for them. This is particularly significant as thoughts carry power with them; power to make the thought into a reality. After-all, what is faith and prayer? It is the power of focused unwavering thought…an absolute belief, which makes things happen!

positive mind

Meditation = Positive Mind

Meditation helps to manifest positive experiences into your life, you must change your thoughts, which must be done from the root: the subconscious layers of your mind. A calm and quiet mind is a focused mind. A focused mind is a sharp instrument that can reveal anything that it is put to. So, here is a humble suggestion to all students of life, “do something to calm down and regulate your mind. Meditation is one of the most efficient tools and has been used since time immemorial to regulate and quieten the mind. At least be open minded enough to experiment with it. Rejecting an idea without any thought or experiment is the highest form of prejudice.”

So, without wanting to confuse the reader, the idea is, that thinking must be –

1) In a positive direction 2) Precise: as much as needed and not without any restraint 3) And, this happens naturally when the mind is “trained” to be calm and quiet.


Stress Management: Relaxing Your Mind

Relaxing can quiet your mind and make you feel peaceful and calm. There are lots of ways to relax like listen to soothing music, meditate and connecting with someone for heartful conversation.

His Holiness Dalai Lama’s addressing at the 39th annual conference of the Indian Association of Preventative and Social Medicine 2012. A complete talk on Healthy Mind, Healthy Body