Weight Management

Weight Management

Our nutraceuticals correct metabolism, one loses weight with normal diet

Know the correct reason for weight and heal yourself !

Hidden causes for weight gain, correct them and lose weight without exercise…

Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. During this complex biochemical process, calories in food and beverages are combined with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function.

weight loss

That’s why, weight gain is a complicated process. It’s likely a combination of genetic makeup, hormonal controls, diet composition and the impact of environment on your lifestyle, including sleep, physical activity and stress. All of these factors result in an imbalance in the metabolism and energy equation. You gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn — or burn fewer calories than you eat.

Mistakes That Slow Down Your Metabolism..


Eating too few calories/nutrients..

Food with less nutritious value !

Eating too few calories can cause a major decrease in metabolism. Cutting calories too much and for too long lowers your metabolic rate, which can make weight maintenance more difficult.

High protein in food

Skimping on protein..

Enough protein is extremely important !

Protein increases metabolic rate more than carbs or fat. Increased protein intake helps preserve metabolic rate during weight loss and maintenance.  Thermic effect of food (TEF) is increase in metabolism.

alkaline water

Alkaline water boosts metabolism..

Alkaline water enables to rehydrate faster !

Alkaline water hydrate better than plain water, and that matters if you’re going to boost your metabolism – you’re going to need that extra hydration. Our body needs water to burn fuel, and to do practically everything else!

5 Things that can Boost Your Metabolism..

Proper hydration by alkaline water..

If you become dehydrated, your brain will begin reducing water levels in some parts of your body to ensure that it gets enough water for itself (your brain has priority over all other parts of your body when it comes to water.) The first parts of your body to lose water are your skin and muscles, followed by your organs. Alkaline water has been shown in multiple studies to hydrate better than plain water, and that matters if you’re going to boost your metabolism – you’re going to need that extra hydration. The most critical time for boosting your metabolism is the hours after you finish exercising – called The Afterburn. Drinking alkaline water enables your body to rehydrate faster and more thoroughly after exercise. Your body can continue to burn extra calories for up to 38 hours after a workout – if it’s properly hydrated. If you don’t properly rehydrate after exercise, your body will slow down your metabolism, and the Afterburn effect will be lost.

** Use alkaline water bottle or RO system as all city water has become acidic. Chlorophyll is excellent for balancing the PH of water**

Enough Nutrition..

One sure way to wreck your metabolism is to starve yourself – so don’t. Starving yourself releases cortisol – a stress hormone – which will cause your body to gain or retain fat, and slow down your metabolism. If you’re going to cut calories, set your sites a lot lower, try reducing your intake by just 100 calories per day. It will be much easier for you to stick to a small reduction, and your body won’t fight you by releasing cortisol.

** Use world best quality nutraceuticals or organic food supplements for enough nutrients everyday. Today’s food has very less nutritional value due to chemicals used for production, fertilizers, pesticides, urea,etc.**

Thermogenic Foods Intake..

Help ramp up the metabolism through a process called thermogenesis: A process where the body burns calories to convert the thermogenic food into energy! Foods that are thermogenic include:

  • Proteins – More thermogenic than carbs or fat
  • Peppers – Capsaicin in peppers enhances thermogenesis
  • Ice-cold water – Your body burns calories heating it up
  • Green Tea – Contains 2 substances that enhance thermogenesis
  • Coffee – Caffeine is a natural stimulant, just don’t overdo it!
  • Coconut Oil – Inhibits fat deposition through increased thermogenesis

Protein takes more energy to to break down than carbs and fat do,  so your body naturally burns more energy when you consume protein-rich foods.

Prevention & Products Recommended

After losing weight, maintaining the correct weight is more important. One need to take care of few simple things on daily basis.

  1. Keep drinking alkaline mineral water. (eg. Chlorophyll and Alkaline water bottle )
  2. Eat more protein, vegetables, fruits as compared to starch, carbohydrate and oily food.
  3. Consume high quality nutraceuticals or food supplement ( Slim, Activate or Lean) on daily basis, as today’s food has less nutrients due to over dose of fertilizers, pesticides, chemicals, artificial coloring and preservatives .
  4. Drink Green coffee or black coffee as improves metabolism. (eg. Reishi Coffee)
  5. Try to walk 30 mins daily if possible.





*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.