Mineral Alkaline Water Bottle

Mineral Alkaline Water Bottle

5,500.00 4,500.00

Mineral Alkaline Water bottle with natural mineral rock crystals
Real Mountain Mineral Water, Beyond Compare..


Direction to Use: Put 750 ml of purified RO water in our alkaline bottle and leave it for 15 mins or shake the bottle gently for 6 times and then pour the water in different container. Never leave the RO drinking water in our alkaline bottle for more than 15 mins otherwise water alkalinity will cross 9 PH.


Our alkaline water bottle generates pure mineral natural alkaline water of different PH as per requirement. RO Water is passed through imported mineral rock crystals, which in turns add rock minerals to water and makes it alkaline in a natural way. We do not any kind of chemicals or synthetic material to raise the PH of water. We use a natural approach by infusing alkaline minerals into the water. This process imitates the flow of water in a river that goes through a bed of rocks and picks up the minerals along the way. The result is a delicious spring natural purified water with a naturally high PH!

Alkaline water has a higher PH than tap water and is rich in alkalizing minerals including Calcium, Potassium, Magnesium, Bicarbonate and other trace elements.

ph of water


himalayan water

How is  Alkaline Water Created?

Water that is “naturally” Alkaline occurs when water flows down a mountain stream and passes over the minerals in the rocks and soil allowing the water to “ naturally absorb “ the minerals available as it flows over and through the natural formations.

“Artificial “ Alkaline water is created by ionising machines or Synthetic Resins that claim to make the water Alkaline through a process called electrolysis with electricity passing through titanium or platinum plates which separate the water molecules into acidic and alkaline groups. The acidic molecules go to waste and the Alkaline is used for drinking.

The Best Alkaline Water for Dinking Everyday

Natural Spring Water that passes over rocks and through soil containing natural minerals which are then absorbed into the water is the best option for drinking water, but how many of us have access to this type of water?

So, How can I get Healthy Mineral Alkaline Water at Home?

We have developed a simple bottle with natural mountain rocks in which home RO water water becomes mineral alkaline water in just 15 mins. Reverse Osmosis (RO) System that first purifies the water by removing the chlorine and unwanted contaminants, then re-mineralises the water with natural minerals resulting in very pure, healthy, great tasting mineral alkaline water as close to mother nature as possible. It is the re-adding of natural minerals that gives Omega alkaline water the great taste we are famous for. If you are used to drinking filtered water from a common plastic jug type water filter you will be amazed that the Omega Alkaline Water tastes so much better. You will also be amazed that it costs just one rupee per litre over the long run too!

See video of Berkeys mineral Stones to make mineral alkaline water as our bottle works on same principle.


See video of PH8 Natural Alkaline Water as one of the finest drinking waters in the world, when compared to other world renowned water analyses.

  • Naturally Alkalizing Mineral Stones:
  • Will add trace minerals to your purified water such as calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc.  This absorption of minerals from stones recreates the natural effect of the rocks that line fresh mountain streams, creating delicious, fresh tasting water.
  • May raise your water’s pH by approximately 2 ~ 2.5 , for example from 7 (neutral) up to 9 ~ 9.5, perfect for everyday consumption.
  • 750 Litres (1.5 pounds), lifespan of 18 months (Min. more than a year then just cartridge need to be changed).
  • Very easy maintenance, simply rinse and wash the bottle initially before use, and then every three months.


Our Mineral Alkaline Water Properties-
  • Anti- Oxidant ( ORP upto -400 mv)
  • Alkaline ( Upto 9.5 PH)
  • Micro-Clustered (Allows greater penetration & easier absorption)
  • Mineral Water (125 TDS)
  • Helps in Burning Fat.
Benefits of Alkaline RO Bottle
1.Treat Acid Re-flux  
2. Might Aid Diabetes Treatment 
3. Bone Health 
4. Aid Weight Loss 
5. Might Aid Cancer Treatment 
6. Boost Hair Growth 
7. Aids Detoxification 
8. Reduce Aging 
9. Balances Body PH   
10.More Oxygenation.
**Warning**- The cartridge in our bottle contains natural imported mineral rocks/crystals. We do not use chemical or synthetic colourful resins for making water alkaline. All the alkaline bottles available online at little less price contains chemical and synthetic colourful resin balls which are not effective and harmful to health. Kindly call us for detail and do your complete research before doing your purchase.
Kindly find below some  images of cartridge available in the market, used in alkaline water bottles and RO which are made up of chemical and synthetic resins.
Not at all recommended and never buy these chemically producing alkaline water systems…
alkaline bottlealkaline water
alkaline water generator                  material for alkaline water

pure drinking water


The entire contents of this website are based upon the opinions of product companies, their research and Concepts, unless otherwise noted. The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from the research and experience of several manufacturing companies. DPL (Designing Perfect Life) encourages you to make your own health care decisions based upon your research and in partnership with a qualified health care professional.


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